sarper prepared jack sh+t for shekinah’s arrival..

We’re obsessed with TLC and all the trashy reality TV it offers. Welcome to another recap of 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way, Season 6, Episode 3. If I had to rate this episode, I’d give it a 3 or 4 out of 10. It was really boring, so there’s not much to discuss. However, I want to keep you updated because next week looks promising.

Let’s start with Corona and Inky. Corona is moving to Iceland and is understandably nervous about being the first black person her partner’s parents have ever met. Inky, on the other hand, was always content being single and childfree until meeting Corona. Now, she envisions a life with marriage and kids, which is a beautiful change.

We finally meet Inky in Iceland. He seems happy with his life, surrounded by friends and enjoying simple pleasures. His infectious laugh was a highlight for me.

Next, let’s talk about Statler and Dempsey. Statler is selling her car to live a van life with Dempsey. At the auto shop, she’s offered $8,000 but is hesitant due to the commitment and uncertainty. Statler’s anxiety about the future is relatable, and she decides to think it over.

Statler’s chaotic packing triggered my own anxiety, so I fast-forwarded through those parts. Later, she realizes she’s $6,000 short in their budget due to currency conversion errors. Dempsey tells her to figure it out, leaving Statler stressed and confused.

Josh and Lily are next. Josh is heading to China, and Lily is preparing their home beautifully. She’s spent $500,000 on renovations, maxing out her credit cards. I hope she’s not in debt. Josh’s airport flowers were a cute touch, and he awkwardly questions the cab driver about local customs.

Lastly, we have Sarper and Shekina. Shekina is upset by Sarper’s messy apartment and his lack of effort to welcome her. The big alcohol bottle collection and his dismissive attitude towards her feelings add to her frustration. The episode ends with Shekina storming out after Sarper’s insensitive comments about his ex’s love letters.

This episode felt lackluster without James and Metalia, but I’m excited for their return next week. Did you see the previews for the tell-all? It’s like a mix of all the cast members in one house, and I’m living for it. These reality stars are my celebrities, and I’d fangirl so hard if I met them.

A few announcements: I’ll cover the season finale of MILF Manor on Patreon soon. I’ve been feeling down and just wanted to soak in my sadness this week, but I’m pushing through. I love my job and connecting with you all, so I hope you enjoyed this recap. Let me know your thoughts in the comments, and I’ll see you in the next one. Bye!

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