Does ‘Sister Wives’ Filming Prove Robyn Brown Needs ‘Hoarder Intervention’?

Robyn Brown - Sister Wives

Recently, Sister Wives viewers see additional evidence that Kody and Robyn Brown’s lifestyle attracts clutter. But comparing history, outside information, and the current filming, fans wonder if they need the skills of a “Hoarder Interventionalist’?

Kody And Robyn Brown Collect Many Things

Undeniably, Sister Wives viewers have noticed that Kody and Robyn Brown limit filming in their house. However, loyal fans have pieced together the couples’ living style after watching for years. Previously, viewers have caught that Robyn’s house has many figurines, boxes, and an abundance of artwork. Likewise, when the listing for their Flagstaff, AZ home hit the market, fans were appalled by the amount of things still in the home. Furthermore, Janelle Brown even called them out for their frivolous spending habits. But now, does filming prove that Robyn needs an intervention?

Kody and Robyn Brown - Sister Wives
Kody and Robyn Brown – Sister Wives

Does Filming Prove Robyn Brown Needs ‘Hoarder Intervention’?

On Reddit, fans bring up that outdoor filming continues even when there is fridged weather. Initially, one user states: “So she still not filming in the house.” Then, they add, “So it’s really weird watching them have a serious conversation out in the snow.”

  • “She doesn’t film in the house cause she doesn’t like to film. She also is nasty that’s why she won’t let them film their scenes in the house.”
  • “Yeah, I was wondering that too. Like it’s cold as hell, no way I’m sitting outside arguing with my husband for thirty minutes. I would take his a** inside. Being outside would make me angrier 😂.”
Robyn Brown and Kody argue outside. - Sister Wives
Robyn Brown and Kody argue outside. – Sister Wives
  • “Did anyone notice those huge ‘drapes’ they had up during their game night? It looked almost like she covered everything so we couldn’t see her knick knacks and paintings.”
  • “Because if you look close enough it wasn’t dark out. It was very sunny out! It was all fake and staged.”
The window shows it is daylight. - Reddit
Kody and Robyn Brown’s window shows it is daylight. – Reddit
  • “But the paintings and knick knacks are visible in the self filming they did for Thanksgiving. It doesn’t make sense.”
  • Another user clarifies, “They aren’t hiding paintings. They’re hiding clutter/mess.”
Sister Wives fans have looked up some artwork and realize there is more than $20K on the wall. - Reddit
Sister Wives fans have looked up some artwork and realized there is more than $20K on the wall. – Reddit
  • “She can hire a nanny, but maid services are not an option? Crazy that I think you are correct.”
  • “That house was stuffed to the gills. They don’t need a maid, they need a hoarder interventionist.”
Redditors point out Robyn Brown's home is stuffed. - Reddit
Redditors point out Robyn Brown’s home is stuffed. – Reddit

Game Night Charade

Although Sister Wives fans notice that “game night” appears to be staged, they are confused as to why. Likewise, fans are picking up on other clues of scripted filming.

  • “But why do that? Why not just call it game day vs game night? People can play games during the day too!”
  • “Because it was clear that they had never played that game (jenga) before and made up the fact that they do game nights. Lying liars spin doctoring their family life and fabulous parenting.”

Sister Wives fans notice Ari and Sol are much older at Robyn and Kody's game night than they were in 2022. - TLC

  • “Did anyone else notice the shoveled snow right where they were standing?”
  • “I’m watching that scene now and it was so awkward how she came shuffling outside, especially since the film crew was already there before Cody came back. They would have had plenty of time to get set up but they were clearly told not to go inside.”

What do you think? Does Robyn Brown’s home look like she needs a hoarding intervention? Do you think they only film outdoors to avoid criticism about their home? Are you enjoying Season 19 or Sister Wives? Drop your comment below.

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