Jasmine stormed off, her pageant crown and sash making her exit even more dramatic. However, she had a point. Since arriving in America, Gino had been steadily undermining her confidence, independence, and security. Her latest discovery drove her to the brink: Gino had not submitted her residency paperwork, despite assuring her it was done. This meant she couldn’t visit her sick mother or her children in Panama.

“Why are you forcing me to do the paperwork?” Jasmine demanded. Gino, seemingly clueless, failed to understand her urgency. Jasmine was desperate to visit her family, but Gino’s delay was holding her back.

In the aftermath of Jasmine’s beauty pageant, Gino revealed he hadn’t submitted her paperwork, contradicting what Jasmine believed. Jasmine accused Gino of gaslighting her, making her feel stupid for asking about the paperwork. Gino denied ever saying it was submitted, claiming he was still working on it.

As tensions rose, Gino lost his temper and Jasmine teared up. Gino couldn’t understand why Jasmine thought the paperwork was completed. He argued he wanted Jasmine to enjoy her first summer in Michigan instead of being stuck indoors with paperwork. However, this logic was flawed and did not justify his procrastination.

Jasmine’s tone was aggressive and verbally abusive, which Gino pointed out. Nonetheless, their fight remained unresolved. Jasmine walked away, leaving Gino holding her handbag. Jasmine felt entitled and assumed Gino would handle everything, but she also needed to take responsibility.

Back at the hotel, Jasmine questioned why Gino was denying her a basic right to permanent residency. She believed Gino was maliciously preventing her from seeing her family, but it seemed more like laziness on his part. Gino admitted he put off the paperwork because he wanted to enjoy the summer, which was not an acceptable excuse.

Jasmine accused Gino of holding her passport and legal documents, painting him as controlling. Gino claimed he was just being cautious, but it looked bad. Jasmine demanded her passport, feeling powerless and stuck. Gino’s control over her finances and documents made the situation worse.

Gino stated he wouldn’t work on the paperwork until their relationship improved, essentially using it as leverage. Jasmine felt manipulated and trapped. Gino’s lack of empathy was alarming. When Jasmine mentioned her children, Gino cruelly suggested she could leave and see them, knowing she couldn’t return if she did.

As Jasmine left, she threw her bouquet at Gino, feeling deceived. Gino’s broken promises about providing a home and bringing her children to the U.S. left her feeling conned. Gino’s reluctance to finish the paperwork and his pressure for Jasmine to have another child highlighted his control over her.

Ultimately, Gino’s procrastination and control issues stemmed from doubts about their relationship. Both seemed unsure about continuing, raising the question of whether completing the application was even worth it.

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