It’s Over! Kody & Meri Reveals Bombshell Shocking News About New Season! It Will Shock You

New Developments in “Sister Wives” as Season 16 Approaches

As “Sister Wives” prepares for its sixteenth season, Cody Brown is facing financial challenges, prompting him to explore new revenue streams. Recently, Cody joined his wives Christine and Janelle on Cameo, a platform for personalized video messages. While Cody charges $79 per video, his wives charge $35. Additionally, Cody now offers expedited 24-hour delivery for his videos.

Mary Brown, however, has caused a stir by unfollowing Cody and other family members on social media, leading fans to speculate about her intentions. Despite previous claims of commitment, Mary’s recent actions suggest she may be stirring the pot to boost interest for the new season. Meanwhile, Cody’s increasing efforts to capitalize on various revenue streams, including new video offerings, highlight the ongoing financial struggles within the family.

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