Pain Of Separation! Kody Brown & Robyn Brown Drops Bombshell | Sister Wives

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Robyn Brown has been considered a reality television villain for some time, and her shocking quotations reveal important aspects of her inner world. While she may not be as bad as she’s portrayed, she isn’t innocent either. Like most people, Robyn is a mix of good and bad. Despite this, she is constantly judged.

In Sister Wives Season 18, Robyn’s insincerity was clear. She cried crocodile tears while secretly desiring monogamy and faked misery about the family’s state to be Kody’s one and only. Her actions didn’t help her shed the villain label, and many fans, including a creative Etsy entrepreneur, stopped believing her.

On Pinterest, Robyn played the good girl, but in reality, she sowed confusion within the Brown family’s already fragile fabric. She likely understood Christine’s jealousy before leaving Kody and subtly influenced him without making much noise. If Robyn had empathized with Christine’s pain, she might have stopped sitting next to Kody at every family meeting.

Robyn’s words about understanding relationships feel hollow as she seemed to use her knowledge to wound the other women emotionally. Now, she has what she wants: a man who has become a wreck. Kody lost his son and became cranky, negative, and overly emotional. He blamed everyone but himself and Robyn for the family’s downfall.

Despite the drama, some fans turned it into humor by creating and selling a “subb and Robin” mock item on Etsy. Robyn’s cruel comments about the other women suggest a lack of inner beauty. Her instability might have driven her to lash out, but if she was unthreatened, there would be no need for such behavior.

Robyn’s fat-shaming and shady declarations on Pinterest reflect her inconsistency. If she truly loved Kody, she should be honest about it instead of hiding her true motivations. Her actions harm her character as she isn’t who she pretends to be.

After Christine and Janelle Brown left Kody, Mary Brown also moved on. The three women were not amicable during their polygamous lifestyle. Mary had a strained relationship with Janelle and Christine, who were criticized for their treatment of her. Allegations of abuse by Christine’s son further complicated matters.

In a recent YouTube conversation, Mary touched on Robyn and Kody’s continued monogamy and shared details about Christine and Janelle. Despite having friendly chats, Mary doesn’t approach them about dating. She believes it’s crucial to be among supportive people and that it’s acceptable to let go of temporary connections.

Mary emphasized that just because they were family doesn’t mean they were best friends. Many viewers are already aware of the distance between Janelle, Christine, and Mary. What do you think about their friendship? Leave your thoughts in the comments section below and return frequently for the latest Sister Wives news. Thanks for watching, and don’t forget to subscribe to my channel and not miss any updates!

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