90 Day Fiancé’s Emily and Kobe on Their New Baby Atem and Her BEEF With Kobe’s Friends (Exclusive)

Q: How has adjusting to having three children been for you?

A: Initially, people warned me about how difficult having three kids would be, but honestly, it hasn’t been as challenging as I expected. Our kids are energetic and outgoing, which I prefer over them being inactive. The most difficult part is ensuring each child gets individual attention. I make sure to spend 30 minutes with Scarlett while the baby naps and Cohen is at school. It’s an adjustment, especially with a newborn who needs constant care, but it’s manageable.

Q: Your new baby’s name, Atem, has an interesting backstory. Can you share it?

A: The name Atem was my idea, inspired by a family I lived with during my upbringing. They’ve done so much for me, and naming my son after them is my way of honoring their impact on my life. Emily and I had some disagreements about the name, but we ultimately decided it was the right choice. Atem was conceived in Cameroon, so giving him a Cameroonian name felt appropriate.

Q: What was it like taking your family to Cameroon for the first time?

A: It was a dream come true. Bringing Emily and our children to Cameroon was incredibly special, especially considering the financial challenges. My father, who is aging, was overjoyed to meet his grandchildren. He even said their visit healed him, which was deeply touching.

Q: How did your friends react to Emily when they met her in Cameroon?

A: There were some cultural misunderstandings. In Cameroon, it’s common for men to be more dominant in conversations, which clashed with Emily’s more assertive style. Some viewers thought my friends were disrespectful, but it’s more about cultural differences. Emily tried hard to build a good relationship with them, and it was important for her to prove they could get along.

Q: How do you and Emily handle these cultural differences?

A: It’s a learning process for both of us. Emily and my friends have to adjust to each other’s ways. Despite initial tensions, we’ve reached a good understanding. Traveling and experiencing different cultures help us appreciate these differences. Emily’s determination to connect with my friends reflects her commitment to our family and our relationship.

Q: What’s your current relationship with your friends and family in Cameroon?

A: Our relationship is strong, and naming our son after Valerie, a close friend, signifies that bond. Watching the show together has also been special. Our kids love seeing themselves and their family on screen, which brings us all closer. Regular communication and visits are important to maintain these connections.

Q: Do you plan to have more children?

A: We’ve discussed having more kids. I want Scarlett to have a sister, as I grew up with brothers. We’re open to the idea and will see what the future holds. For now, we’re enjoying our growing family and the adventures that come with it.

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